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Travel News Talk

2020 Auckland Backyard Cricket Championships

Old Kiwi summer pastime hitting its next level

Auckland Backyard Cricket Championships | Image Credit : AcabashiCricket ball and wicket at Takeley Cricket Club ground, Essex, England 02CC BY-SA 4.0

The time to discover the best in the backyard is back with the Backyard Bash 2020. Although this game is an age-old Kiwi summer pastime, with the introduction of this championship, it has hit quite the popularity and passion of many youngsters today. This year, the championship will have seven regional qualifying events and the regional qualifiers will then meet at the Ellerslie Racecourse during the Easter Day Races.

If you are someone interested in participating in this championship, all you have to do is to keep Sunday the 15th March 2020 free and gather another 4 friends who are good at this and register yourselves for this exciting game. Hotels near Auckland Airport including one the likes of Naumi Hotel Auckland Airport will most likely provide great options for accommodation to those who are in need of it during their stay for this Backyard Cricket Championship.