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Travel News Talk

Asalha Puja 2023 – Commomerating the teachings of Lord Buddha

Asahna Bucha, also known as Asalha Puja, is a significant Buddhist festival in Thailand. It commemorates the day when Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon, known as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, at Deer Park in Benares, India, over 2,500 years ago. This festival is observed as a public holiday in Thailand and is celebrated on the full moon day of the eighth lunar month, which typically falls in July or early August according to the Thai lunar calendar. This year, this religious holiday falls on the 1st of August.

On Asahna Bucha, Thai people flock to their local temples to participate in religious ceremonies and pay homage to Lord Buddha. The day marks the beginning of Vassa, also known as Buddhist Lent, which is a three-month period of focused meditation, study, and spiritual retreat. Vassa begins on the first full moon day after Asahna Bucha and lasts until the full moon day of the eleventh lunar month. Visit Thailand during this festival with an early booking at a hotel in Bangkok City Center to witness the festivities and rituals. Jono Bangkok Asok offers special benefits for advance bookings if you are planning a trip in August.