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Travel News Talk

Colombo Comic Expo 2020

The Nerds Were at It Again!

Image credit-Pixabay,tunechick83 ,CC0

Colombo Comic Expo 2020 was back for yet another year over the weekend of 20th to the 22ndof March and garnered a huge gathering of fans from all over the country.

Every year, the Colombo Comic Expo is held as a gathering for Sri Lankans to share their love over pop-culture, tv, movie and book fans, video games and cosplaying. It is the largest gathering of comic fans in the country and this year was no different. Many of the hotels in Colombo Sri Lanka were booked with Sri Lankans flooding the city from outside. Some of the cosplayers who stayed at Berjaya Hotel Colombo were interviewed and had mentioned that the cosplay game was on point this year.