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Travel News Talk

Discover Pchum Ben – The Festival of the Dead and Ancestor’s Day

The Pchum Ben festival, also known as the “Festival of the Dead” is a Cambodian religious celebration that occurs on the 15th day of the tenth month in the Khmer calendar, signifying the end of Buddhist Lent. During this festival, Cambodians pay tribute to their ancestors spanning up to seven generations.

The festival commences on the first day of the waning moon in the month of Putrobut, with the first 14 days dedicated to observing and offering food to monks. The 15th day marks a three-day official holiday in Cambodia, and the festival’s timing varies each year in the Gregorian calendar.

The festival involves rituals like offering food to monks, lighting candles, and donating money to benefit departed relatives’ souls. People visit pagodas, with some devout individuals visiting seven different ones. The festival’s culmination day sees processions and symbolic events, such as rice piles representing Mount Meru, the dwelling place of Buddhist gods. For travellers who wish to experience the festival, consider opting for a stay at one of the best hotels in Siem Reap, such as the luxurious Anantara Angkor Resort for a getaway full of comfort during the festival.