Festival Kreol Mahe - An iconic Seychelles event | Travel News Talk
Travel News Talk

Festival Kreol Mahe – An iconic Seychelles event

The Festival Kreol Mahe is Seychelles’ most important event every year, and this year, it happened from the 23rd until the 29th of October. Every Seychelles resort was booked for the week, especially places like Berjaya Praslin Resort. This was the 32nd celebration of the said festival, and the visitors of this festival experienced a week full of bright colours, vivid sounds, spices, flavours and fragrances that they’d carry with them for years to come. Being a tourist-oriented place, Seychelles holds it’s cultures and traditions close to heart, giving importance to being proud of who they are, and of their roots. Conducted by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, the Festival Kreol Mahe was once again, a roaring success, and the officials say, it will continue to be a much-loved event by both the locals and tourists alike.