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Travel News Talk

Independence Day in Maldives – Patriotic Celebrations to Expect

On July 26, each year, the Republic of Maldives celebrates its independence day. The islands celebrate their independence with various festivities held throughout the islands. Those who are staying at resorts Maldives, such as the PER AQUUM Niyama Maldives, during their summer holidays, will also be able to take part of some of these festivities. The festive events include performances by school children, colorful parades and flag hoisting ceremonies. The biggest independence day celebrations are held at the city of Male at the Republic Square.

When the Sultan of the Maldives signed an agreement of protection with the British Governor of Ceylon, the islands became a British protectorate. Mobamed Amin Didi declared the First Republic of Maldives in 1953. Three remote southern atolls separated from the republic six years later. The atolls, who proclaimed themselves the United Suvadive Republic, rejoined the other nations in 1963. Maldives entered an agreement with the United Kingdom and was officially proclaimed independent on July 26 1965.