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Travel News Talk

Magha Puja Day, Thailand – An observation steeped in culture

Magha Puja, also known as Makha Bucha, stands as a pivotal occasion in the Buddhist calendar, ranking as the second most significant Buddhist holiday following the festivities commemorating Buddha’s birth and death. This sacred day holds particular reverence for the moment when Buddha conveyed his fundamental teachings to a gathering of 1,250 monks. Celebrated on the full moon night of the third month in the Thai calendar, Makha Bucha is marked by ceremonies held in Buddhist shrines across the country.

The ceremonies, rich in tradition, honour the establishment of the Sangha, the core principles of the monastic order, during Buddha’s sermon to his followers. Recognized as a public holiday in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, Makha Bucha serves as a day of veneration, symbolizing the spontaneous gathering of 1,250 ordained followers nine months after Buddha’s enlightenment. It is an occasion that many who stay in a hotel in the Sukhumvit area, such as the likes of the Avani Sukhumvit Bangkok, will get the opportunity to witness.