| Travel News Talk
Travel News Talk

Omani Tour Guides Learn German Language – Growing Tourist Figures Spurs New Trend

The ever rising influx of tourists from Germany to Oman has its tour guides mastering the language of Deutschland to meet the demands of the country’s chief visitor demographic. The trend is especially visible in the tourist hubs the likes of Salalah where 15 tour operators completed German language courses by the local Goethe Institute with the blessing of the Dhofar governorate. Salalah welcomed a record 25,000 visitors from the non-English speaking nation last year. Other Omani cities are also expected to follow suit if the growing number of tourists from the European nation vacation in Nizwa hotel hubs such as the Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar Resort and others during their winter breaks. This is just the latest in the efforts by the Ministry of Tourism to cater to the German tourists heading to Oman for tourist purposes which also address local employment issues by creating new career opportunities in the industry.