| Travel News Talk
Travel News Talk

Rail Motor Rally Open Day – Monthly Excitement for Train-Lovers

The evolution of transportation is fascinating and one that must be studied and observed. If you are a train enthusiast or one who enjoys monitoring the amazing journey of transportation, make it a point to visit the Rail Motor Rally Open Day that will be held on 15th October, 2016. This monthly event takes place at the Rail Motor Society Depot in NSW. Cypress Lakes Resort is also located within easy reach of the depot and is one among many Hunter Valley hotels that will give you the opportunity to be a part of this amazing event in which thirteen collections of different rail motor and trailer cars are displayed. A 720 Class Driving Trailer Car and a 42 foot Rail Motor from 1961 always take centre stage at this event in which collections from 1926 – 1961 are admired. Be a part of this unique event!