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Travel News Talk

South Australia Eases COVID-19 Restrictions

Strict Guidelines Still in Place

The last few months saw South Australia ease some of its restrictions as the state brings the spread of COVID-19 under control. One of the major changes came on 1st December 2020 with the border restriction with Victoria being lifted; this meant that Victorians could enter South Australia for the first time since the restrictions were in place from March last year. Visitors now have the chance to once more easily travel to and stay at Adelaide hotels including the likes of Oaks Adelaide Embassy Suites to experience the best of what the state has to offer.

Additionally, last month saw some social restrictions being eased as well including the removal of patron caps on businesses. For private events or funerals, there is a maximum limit of 150 people, while home functions are limited to a maximum of 10 people. Due to the changing nature of the pandemic, travellers should always check the official South Australian site for the latest updates; https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au