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Travel News Talk

Starting the New Year Fresh – Sinhala and Hindu New year in Sri Lanka

The small island of Sri Lanka has a unique take on the dawn of a New Year; each year the Sinhala and Hindu community celebrate the auspicious dawn of the New Year not by making resolutions but revelling in nature and through a series of rituals that go back hundreds of years. Also, their new year starts in April. Usually, the day falls on the 13th and 14th of April each year and the actual auspicious time of dawn changes each year according to the astronomical position of the sun.

There are various celebrations throughout the island on these days and the days are national holidays. The festivities start with the entire island lighting hearths at their homes at a planned auspicious time and cooking a pot of milk or Pongal rice in it. This festival is celebrated everywhere on the island without fail; offices, public authorities, the president’s house and even hotels and resorts. Avurudu festivals are organized as well. Tangalle resorts such as the likes of Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort and luxury hotels in other areas of the island will prepare special dishes and hold traditional sports meets and festivities for their guests.

Amila Tennakoon, A food treats arrangement for Puthandu (Vaisakhi) Tamil Hindu New Year, CC BY 2.0