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Islam in Maldives

The Day Maldives Embraced Islam in Maldives in 2023: Historical Impact Celeb

The Day Maldives Embraced Islam is a day of importance in the archipelago, signifying the day a pivotal moment in the history of the island when the nation transitioned from Buddhism to Islam. This historic event is commemorated as a public holiday in the Maldives. The exact date of this holiday is determined by the Islamic lunar calendar, specifically on the first day of the month of Rabi’ al-Thani, which is the fourth month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar.

Historically, the conversion of the Maldives to Islam occurred in the year 1153 AD. The catalyst for this conversion was Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary, a devout Muslim from Maghrib (Morocco) who was a Hafiz, meaning he had memorized the entire Holy Quran. His mission was to convert the local king, Sri Tribuvana Aditiya, to Islam. Visitors can find out more information during their stays at the best villas in Maldives, and head out from properties such as Atmosphere Kanifushi to see how the locals