| Travel News Talk
Travel News Talk

Turtle Shelter Opens in Phuket: educative and heartening experiences

To the joy of many, Phuket news announced the opening of the Turtle Shelter in Mai Khao in July 2015. The brains and hearts behind the project were the Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation (MKMTF) and the Phuket Marine Biological Centre (PMBC). The MKMTF has been engaging in turtle conservation for the past 13 years and the move to open a shelter was primarily driven by their need to educate people on species of turtles who venture out of the Andaman Sea. Since its opening in July around nine hundred visitors have been part of the educational process. Some of the visitors would have been those who stayed at Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas, which is simply the best when compared to other Phuket Resorts. Anantara has always helped raise funds for the well-being of these gentle giants and are extremely delighted with the move made by the MKMTF and PMBC. It is truly delightful and enlightening to be well-aware of these beings while also getting the opportunity to pet and feed them.