Avani+ Samui Celebrated Its First Anniversary in Style | Travel News Talk
Travel News Talk

Avani+ Samui Celebrated Its First Anniversary in Style – Capturing the Resort Spirt

The Avani+ Samui Resort just celebrated its first anniversary in quite the grand manner – the resort teamed up with the popular British scooter brand Scomadi and joined forces with renowned Thai watercolour artist, PearadaUnahalekhaka, to promote alternative island discovery! The basis of the idea was for Pearada to translate all the unforgettable experiences she had at one of the best Koh Samui resorts around into a colourful decal that adorns a Scomadi scooter. The finished artwork showcases the pristine beaches and azure blue waters that you have access to while staying at the resort, as well as capturing the inimitable sense of paradise and luxury associated with Avani+ Samui.

The resort itself has stated that they look forward to the coming year with eagerness and that they hope to continue providing its guests with unique and unforgettable experiences during their stay at the Avani+ Samui Resort.