Celebrating Heroes’ Day in Mozambique | Travel News Talk
Travel News Talk

Celebrating Heroes’ Day in Mozambique – Honouring those who gave their Lives

A day which commemorated those who gave their lives while fighting for the independence of the country, the annual Heroes’ Day in Mozambique was celebrated on 3rd February. Known locally as “Dia dos Heróis Moçambicanos”, this day gives special significance to Eduardo Mondlane; the founder of the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO), he led the country’s struggle for independence against the Portuguese. Though he was assassinated in 1969, eight years after he founded FRELIMO, the cause he started finally reached fruition on 25th June 1975, when Mozambique achieved its independence.

During Heroes’ Day this year, as in past years, military parades were held along with speeches from different political groups. While this occasion was marked by a public holiday, Mozambique resorts were open and properties the likes of Anantara Medjumbe Island Resort offered visitors a chance to enjoy the best this independent country has to offer.