| Travel News Talk
Travel News Talk

Classical Music Event in Negombo –An Evening of Gentle Melodies and Nostalgia

An evening of gentle classical melodies, “Sada Adure Nil Diyawara” was held on the 6th of May 2017. A collaboration of two of Sri Lanka’s most famous artists, Somathilaka Jayamaha and Karunaratne Diuwlgane. The musical evening was held at Ave Maria Auditorium in Negombo. Locals and Tourists planning on attending events held at venues such as these can consider accommodation in a Negombo hotel including options of the likes of Hotel J Negombo. The evening was enchanted with the music of the talented orchestra led by Manoj Peiris. A production of Wasantha Rohana, “Sada Adure Nil Diyawara” was a memorable evening cherished by enthusiasts of Sri Lankan classical music.