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Travel News Talk

Maldives “Vaxications”: What to Know About Vaccine Tourism – New plans for gradually rising tourism

Tourism in the Maldives already began in July 2020 with more arrivals and success than expected. The islands are still striving to achieve the numbers that were going for them before. In an attempt to do so, the authorities came up with the concept of “Vaxications” which refers to the first vacation after you receive the vaccine.

The Maldives is also trying to bring in what they call the 3V concept – visit, vaccinate, and vacation. This will allow tourists who have not been vaccinated to reach the island and get two doses of vaccination 2 weeks apart. They will be able to stay at a beach resort in Maldives the likes of Embudu Village and others throughout this time period. At the moment, however, the country is prioritising the locals who work in the tourism industry when it comes to the vaccine.