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Travel News Talk

Tourist Boom In Kandy – Explore The Glory Of The Hill Capital Of Sri Lanka

Kandy is within the most popular tourist destinations in Sri Lanka and shows a notable tourist boom, says the guardian on the 7th August 2017. Kandy is considered as Sri Lanka’s second largest city and has gained its fame as the country’s cultural capital. Kandy is well known among tourists from all over the world for the famous Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic and Esala Perahera. Annually held Esala Perahera is a cultural extravaganza, which showcases various types of traditional Sri Lankan dances and rituals. Among Kandy’s countless number of cinematic appearances, due to its spectacular lake and mountains, providing the backdrop for famous movies like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Holidaymakers who are looking for an amazing hotel Kandy has to offer will come across a good selection, which includes Kings Pavilion Kandy.