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Travel News Talk

Trang Nguyen Festival in Hanoi – The Day of Wandering Souls

Held annually on the 15th of July, the Trang Nguyen Festival, also called Wandering Souls Day or Vu Lan Day, is a time of feasting and celebrations with festivities taking place all around Vietnam. Legend holds that the souls of family ancestors are present in the family home on this day and traditionally, offerings of food and flowers are laid out for them on the family alter. Families also burn fake money and clothes to honour the dead and lanterns are set afloat down the river to guide the lost souls to nirvana. The main celebrations however take place at the local Buddhist temples, with lively festivities and special remembrance services that are attended by thousands.

One of the best places to catch the festival is in the capital city, and if you’re looking for accommodation in Hanoi, serviced apartments are a good way to go. One option for travellers is the Somerset Grand Hanoi – not only does it offer well thought of accommodation, but is central enough to have easy access to most of Hanoi’s hot spots and public transport.