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Travel News Talk

What’s New and Upcoming in Sri Lanka Tourism for 2020 – Rising Opportunities

There is a growing sense of optimism among the Sri Lanka tourism industry that 2020 will be a positive year, and that the country would be able to bounce back from the unfortunate incidents that had plagued it a year prior. According to several reputed tour operators, they are seeing bookings reach the levels they had been prior to April 2019 for the first time now. One operator remarked that the travel trade had been really helpful for Sri Lanka, and has been one of the major reasons that tourism has been able to bounce back.

Interestingly, the biggest reason for this upswing seems to be the growing popularity of eco-tourism in Sri Lanka. For instance, Forbes magazine had recently named Sri Lanka as the premier destination to go on a safari outside of Africa. The growing number of accommodation options in the country’s hill country is no doubt helpful as well. For example, you’ll have a lot of options when looking for a great hotel Kandy has to offer, like the Kings Pavilion for one.